Monday, November 13, 2006


Do you know the feeling... you go to work on Monday morning, try to ignore that feeling that the weekend is over again. Try to get yourself motivated for a new week. And eventually you even succeed!

But then, the moment you open your mailbox... and the vast number of unread emails in your inbox brings you down instantly! For a split second you think: "don't worry, it's probably all spam, let's see who's trying to sell me VIAdGRA this time", but with horror you have to conclude that the mailbots must have found out that you don't have Erectile Dysfunction, as there are only about 5 mails that you can delete instantly. Leaving you with an empty feeling at 8.30AM...

You drag yourself through the rest of the day, hoping to get your kicks elsewhere. But you soon realise that it's gonna be "one of those days" for the rest of the week... The restaurant menu is disappointing, you're agenda is full of "meetings" with people you'd rather avoid as they are the reason for the unread mails in your inbox, ...


album I was listening to while writing this entry: Sophia - Fixed Water


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